Seasonal News
Spring Issue 2025
Vertical Gardening
Written by Kyla Foster , active Roanoke Master Gardener
Living in a city, apartment, or just wishing you had more space can pose challenges to traditional gardening. Luckily, vertical gardening is becoming popular, and there are lots of resources about how to use less space by selecting the right plants and trellising techniques.
Choose the right varieties - What grows up?
Although bush beans are smaller than pole beans, they take more ground-space, so opt for a pole bean variety. Try Blue Lake Pole or Kentucky Wonder Pole
Indeterminate Cherry Tomato: Unlike determinate, indeterminate cherry tomatoes don’t stop growing in abundance the whole season. Try Sungolds or Sweet 100s.
Light-weight squash varieties can be trellised. Try Delicata or Acorn Squash.
Small Cucumbers can pack a heavy yield! Try Boston Pickling or Lemon Cuke.
Melons aren’t always huge! Small Varieties with the right support won't break the vine. Try Kajari or Sugar Baby.
Vertical Structures (on a budget)!
An archway will hold almost any trellised plant and make any garden look gorgeous. You’ll need an 18-ft cattle panel, 2-6ft tall T-posts, and 10-medium zip ties. The link in the sources will provide instructions and a video.
A bamboo teepee is very cost effective and can be easily moved around your garden each season. This trellis is not sturdy enough for squash or melons, however.
An a-frame trellis can be made (or purchased) with a variety of materials and in various sizes. An easy method is two pallets connected by zip ties, which is great for cucumbers.